Check Out With Me is now available at every Walmart Supercenter

Ever roll up to the check out area at Walmart only to find long lines of impatient customers (yourself included) and wish you could magically skip the line and move on with your day? Well you're in luck. Walmart just rolled out a new program called Check Out With Me, which allows you to check out with an associate wherever they are. They will be positioned in some of the busiest parts of the store like the garden center, electronics, and Action Alley (the main walkways that separate different departments and are filled with pallets of various items from end to end).
Equipped with mobile devices and a Bluetooth printer, associates can scan your items, swipe your credit card, and provide a receipt. They can print you a paper receipt or email it if you prefer. Scan, swipe, and go. So long, register lines!
Walmart has been testing the program in over 350 stores and has now expanded Check Out With Me to all Supercenters as of Black Friday (Nov. 29), just in time for the busy holiday season.
Check it out
Have you tried Check Out With Me during a recent trip to Walmart? How would you rate your experience? If you haven't yet, are you going to try to find a Check Out With Me associate next time? Do you think more stores should follow Walmart's lead? We'd love to hear from you! Email us: or give us a call: (303) 536-5505.